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playswithworms July 9 2009, 21:49:45 UTC
Wow! My favorite smexings are usually sweet, simple, and unaccessorized, so I didn't think this would really be my cup of tea, but I thought, hey, give it a chance (and look who wrote it, too!)...And I loved it! Both hot and very emotionally touching, incredible how you managed such role reversal and kept them both in character...

I loved your descriptions of all of Sunstreaker's paintings, especially this one: He chose to paint a Bluestreak that didn't exist - not the overly friendly mask Blue projected or the dark dominatrix, but a blend of the two, a confident secure mech, gazing serenely out of the panel. And then Bluestreak recognizing Sunstreaker's feelings of vulnerability when no one else did, even his brother - I think I may have wibbled when Blue called him "sweetcakes" ^_^

Here, have some more internetz ^^ *sprinkles with*


mmouse15 July 9 2009, 22:07:37 UTC
I'm stunned that you read this just because I wrote it. Stunned in a good way and terribly flattered, so thank you. I'm really glad you took a chance on it and furthermore, enjoyed it.

I'm thrilled that the painting descriptions worked and you liked them, especially Blue's portrait, which I think only Sunstreaker could have created because he knows Blue as no-one else does.

Really? You wibbled? Oh, gosh. I'm sorry. It was the only way I could think of to let Sunny find a safe place in the midst of his anxiety attack that Sides was too self-centered to notice! Darn that Sideswipe...

Yay! More internetz! *rolls in luffly internetz*


playswithworms July 9 2009, 22:33:46 UTC
No no, don't apologize - I love a good wibble, and that was a good one! I've very glad I took a chance on it too ^_^

(Also, I was very happy the handcuffs were leather - BDSM isn't usually my favorite, but it doesn't usually squick me either, except for the handcuffs set off all sorts of alarm bells in my paranoid, worst-case-scenario-lovin' little brain. What if there was an earthquake! or your lover had a heart/spark attack! or FIRE, and you couldn't find the key!!! *flails arms*)


mmouse15 July 9 2009, 22:51:37 UTC
Oh, good. I didn't really want to upset anyone, so I'm glad it was a good type of wibble. *hugs*

When I was in high school, there was a story in the news about a guy who had handcuffed his wife to the bed, then stripped and dressed in a Batman costume, climbed on the dresser to leap down on her, and...knocked himself cold on the ceiling fan. So there she is, handcuffed, unable to get free, husband out cold and bleeding. Luckily, she was able to use her foot to knock the phone off its hook and dial 911, but I freaked. Handcuffs you can't get out of? No. Hell no. And I got linked to a BDSM site and found - leather cuffs! AWESOME! The fact that you picked up on that detail gives me warm feelings. I'm not the only paranoid person on this planet, LOL!


playswithworms July 10 2009, 00:29:13 UTC
Exactly! I mean, you've got safe words and all, but handcuffs with no safety release?! Yeek.

Paranoid people of earth, unite! *high fives* :DDDDD


ex_naggingf July 10 2009, 22:58:07 UTC
LOL. What a great story...even more so because it's true. A story like that gets passed on and on, for years XD


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