Break + Work

Mar 04, 2007 16:11

Well, it's been a while. Things have been happening.

The college that I want to go to the most (Earlham) is offering me $5k less a year than my second choice (Beloit), so I've been having a miniature internal struggle about if Earlham is really $20,000 better than Beloit. I've started running, but at this stage it's more accurate to say that I've been getting tired on a treadmill. I've been hanging out with people a lot more than I was a month ago, and I think I'm progressively getting less awkward in conversation.

Break has been pretty good to me, mainly because my parents both promised to stop telling me to do schoolwork and to take care of myself. Before now, I usually would just wait until they told me to do something before I'd actually do it, even if I wanted to do it. I've got some pretty stupid personality quirks, but now at least that one's not an issue. I'm also feeling a lot less overwhelmed as of late, although today is kind of scary. I didn't do much of the homework I was supposed to do over break, so I'll just have to plow through it now.

I've also stopped taking Adderall. I still use it whenever I have to read 30+ pages in an assignment or when I need to have a lot of work done (like today), but I'm down to taking it three times a month. Before, I was taking it every day.

Anyway, I better get back to work.
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