Jun 20, 2007 19:13

The details for those of you who are attending (or want to):

Guest spots. The way this works is:

- I get 10 people free and clear. No cover, no mandatory dinner reservations, just adhere to the DRESS CODE (you need to know about this if you are coming), and you are in.

-I can invite as many people as I like, so long as they pay a 20 dollar (NOT 15) cover charge (per person).

-I get four VIP guest cards per year that get up to four people in without a cover, but you have to make dinner reservations (not stupefyingly expensive food, but not Denny's prices either).

Dress Code Info

I am going to have WAY more than ten people both nights, and I am trying to give out the freebies to the people who are the most challenged financially. I REALLY want all of you to come out, but I will understand if some of you would prefer not to spend your life's savings. Anyone who is already confirmed with me and is willing to volunteer to be one of the paying customers has my eternal gratitude, and I might be able to borrow a few guest slots from other members, so I will try to get as many in free as I can. If you have questions EMAIL ME, don't post. livejournal-handle at gmail dot com.
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