How VERY coo-el! Cannot make it, as previous plans'll put me in the mountains East of there (Big Bear), but here's hoping it goes swell and great and all that jazz and foofah.
Friday or Saturday? Saturday is a little better for me, but if you want to do dinner, we need to make reservations TOMORROW, which means I need a number of guests and a CC to hold the reservation. Let me know. Oh, and call April in case I don't have time. Thank you!
Saturday! Three if you can, Two would work as well. I'm happy to pay money, if others need the free tickets. I called Eian and April and they seemed game. Hopefully they'll call you asap. call me for CC info (or I'll call you after work. T
No available reservations for Saturday, only the 9:30 Friday seating. If you want to make a reservation call The Castle at 323-851-3313. Tel them you have a guest card, and that the members number is M11110, name Michael Morena. I will get you the card before you walk in. Otherwise, just come Sat and plan to spend 15 Dollars on the cover (no dinner). LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU DO, either here or at my gmail (same as my LJ handle at g mail dot com). Sorry for the abrupt nature of the post, very busy. So little to do, so much time to do it in.
Comments 58
Sadly, I am not available due to prior engagements, but I wish I could be there.
I wish you could be there, but have fun in Oregon.
call me for CC info
(or I'll call you after work.
Strike that, reverse it.
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