Title: Soulmate
Author: Tarlan (
Fandom: Blade: Trinity
Pairing/Characters: Drake/Hannibal King
Rating/Category: NC17/Slash
Prompt: He felt him as soon as he woke up, pulsing bright and unaware; he would claim him as his own whether he wanted it or not.
Word Count: ~2000
Spoilers: None
Summary: Drake felt him as soon as he woke up, pulsing bright and unaware; he would claim him as his own whether he wanted it or not.
Notes/Warnings: Written using prompts from:
trope_bingo: soul bonding/soulmates (Free Space)
mmom 2014 DAY 25
Written for
smallfandomfest FEST15 - for
ladydey On AO3:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1688624 ~