Title: Unexpected Bonus
Author: Gaby
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/Tony (though it's Tony/Tony's hand if you want to be technical about it)
Characters: Gibbs, Tony
Warning: none
Spoilers: none
Rating: R
Genre: PWP
Author's Notes: Written because it's the
mmom and there can never be enough wank fic! This is a fill for
hawk_soaring's prompt Tony comes over to find Gibbs working shirtless in the back yard. because, seriously? There also cannot be enough half-nekkid Gibbs being ogled by Tony fics! *g*
Word Count: 692
Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, never will be, gosh darn it!
Summary: Tony makes a surprise visit to Gibbs' place...but he's the one getting the surprise of a lifetime.
(click for fic)