Title: Am I too dirty, am I too flirty?
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Pairing: Teen!Derek/Mark
Rating R
Word Count: 1,218
Summary: Mark laughed. “Yeah, it’s not really something I like to think about either. I like to think about Tina Williams from tenth grade.” The mischievous grin was back and Derek found himself smiling back.
Warnings: Slash, underage (only masturbation)
Notes: Fourth fic written for
mmom (Merry Month of May/Masturbation)
Beta’d by the BRILLIANT
missyjack, who is all I have left in the world… *weeps*
Title from Grace Kelly by Mika
All my fics are
here All mmom fics here. “How often do you do it?” Derek asked, trembling slightly from curiosity and maybe a little apprehension because he didn’t know how Mark would react.