Title: Better Than Dreams
Author: Tarlan (
Rating: NC17 slash
Pairing: John/Rodney
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Disclaimer: Not Mine!
Word Count: ~2650
Summary: Moments after stepping through the Astria Porta into Atlantis, John and Rodney find they are no longer alone.
Author's Note: Too many challenges and too little time, so I'm going to go for a bigger challenge and try to integrate these FOUR challenges into one story! Written for:
mmom Day 29
mcsheplets Prompt: #150 Compromise
ancientctybingo Prompt: Out of time
trope_bingo Prompt: au: daemons
THIRD in the
Against Such Mighty Dreams series.
Part of a series of gifts for the wonderful
On AO3:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/822544 ~