Day Two - "City Girl" - Mary Tyler Moore Show - Mary Richards

May 28, 2013 22:10

*****Mod: is it possible to get a Mary Tyler Moore Show tag, please and thank you?.*****

Title: City Girl
Author: Très Méchante

Fandom: The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Sumary: Mary discovers how the bus ride to work can be the best part of her day.

Characters/Pairing: Mary Richards
Rating: FRM (Mature) || Warnings: masturbation (but that's not a warning so much as the reason you're here, yes?), one swear word; also the odd Canadian spelling.

Word Count: approx. 610 words
Notes: Just a little quickie based on my own love for a certain model of bus and a particularly bumpy bus route.

I have no idea where Mary lives, where she grew up, what route she uses to get to work or which method of transport works best for her. I'm just helping that poor girl have a little fun.

Disclaimer: Not mine. No harm. No profit. No point in legal action.

City Girl is located at my fic journal. Also at AO3.

year: 2013, author: tres_mechante, day: 02

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