Day 24: "Staying Up Late," original

May 24, 2013 11:25

Title: Staying Up Late
Author: geonncannon
Fandom: Original
Self-Lover: Kate Price
Words: 1,789
Date: May 24
The post to suggest future pairings/stories!
Notes: These are original characters, but I made an effort to make sure this stood alone entirely by itself so it could be read with no prior information. Hopefully I succeeded! If you want to read more about them, you can find them in free stories over on my website ( under the appropriate tags.
Summary: Kate stays up when her girlfriends go to bed, but that doesn't mean she misses out on the fun.
AO3 link
LJ link

author: geonncannon, year: 2013, fandom: original fiction, day: 24

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