Title: Mirror Image
Author: Gaby
Fandom: White Collar
Pairing: Peter/El/Neal
Characters: Peter, Neal, El
Warning: angst, whumped!Peter, body image issues
Spoilers: wee one for Peter’s backstory
Rating: R
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Author's Notes: Written for the
mmom challenge. This is day 21 - ficlet based on
sapphire2309’s prompt “pain”. And Oh My God, this story ate my brain! *despairs* I can’t seem to write simple, short, angst-free fills for
sapphire2309’s prompts! I’ve taken liberties with the actual prompt, so I hope that’s okay.
Word Count: 1,658
Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, never will be, gosh darn it!
Summary: Peter is lost in his own misery, but Neal and El refuse to give him up.
(click for fic)