Day Eighteen: Five of the Most Bizarre Things to Masturbate To (After Hours)

May 18, 2013 15:37

Title: Five of the Most Bizarre Things to Masturbate To
Author: lionessvalenti
Fandom: (After Hours)
Characters/Pairings: Dan, Michael, Katie, Soren
Word Count: ~1000
Rating: Teen/PG13
Summary: With nothing left to talk about, Michael comes up with a topic of discussion.
Notes: I've written some silly things for this fandom. This is the first one I've felt like apologizing for.
Disclaimer: The characters in the following do not belong to me. I am not making any money from this. It's just good fun.

Five of the Most Bizarre Things to Masturbate To

fandom:, year: 2013, author: lionessvalenti, day: 18

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