Title: Hush
For: MMOM - Thirty (One) Dirty Words 2012 - Prompt 026 - Quiet
elrhiarhodanFandom: White Collar RPS
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Matt Bomer (as a fictional character), Tim DeKay (as a fictional character), Tim/Matt
Spoilers/Episode References: None
Warnings/Enticements/Triggers: Stroke!Fic, Nipple!Play
Word Count: 300 Exactly
Summary: Completely shameless PWP, there really is just no other summary for this. And once again, thanks to
coffeethyme4me for the hint on how to take this prompt.
A sequel to
Morning Has Broken and
A Highly Inappropriate Distraction,
Tender is the Night, and
Hungry Like the Wolf.
It took them a few days to get back to this point. Matt was never precisely angry about that public spanking (and it was only one smack, really), it just bothered him. )