Title: Secrets and Lovers
For: MMOM - Thirty (One) Dirty Words 2012 - Prompt 023 - Secrets
elrhiarhodanFandom: White Collar
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Salie (Short for Salieri), Salie/Moz
Spoilers/Episode References: S3.07 - Taking Account, S3.16 - Judgment Day
Warnings/Enticements/Triggers: None
Word Count: 300 Exactly
Summary: Salie’s patient, and she’s helping her love come home, but she’s lonely, too.
Everyone has secrets, and it’s her job to find them and expose them to the light of day. She has boundaries, though - a code of honor. Not like others, the media whores who think that death is a small price to pay for fame. )