Day 30: Disparity; The Boondock Saints, PG-13

May 30, 2010 06:41

Title: Disparity
Author: rusted_halo
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: The Boondock Saints
Characters/Pairing: Duffy, Duffy/Bloom UST
Word Count: 280
Summary: Duffy's life hasn't gone according to plan. Meeting Bloom changes his outlook on the things he hasn't done.

Detective Duffy was supposed to be married with two kids right now. He’d meant to be, had planned it all out when he was at the Academy. But somehow, he just hadn’t gotten around to it.

Meeting Smecker had scared him for a minute into thinking maybe he was gay; it wasn’t that he was attracted to the guy, or any other guy for that matter; it was the fact that he was pushing 40 and single and understood the majority of the things Smecker said. Once the guy started challenging him to think on duty, he couldn’t help but carry that over into his personal life.

And now Bloom was here, the closest thing to reincarnation he’d ever seen.

In the intervening years, he’d been on one date. It hadn’t ended well. After it was over, he unconsciously gave up the hope of having kids, of the white picket fence and the two-car garage.

He also gave up sex, and was surprised to discover he missed it.

It was all Bloom’s fault; she’d shown up here in fuck-me pumps and those damn stockings. Her accent and acerbic tongue, combined with her genius and overtones of Smecker’s methodology were sexy as hell.

After a week of reliving the moment she strutted into his life on a nightly basis, his hand was beginning to cramp and his prick was screaming for more.

The boys’ first night in prison, he headed out to the bar in his best tie and when a cop groupie (or badge bunny, as he liked to call them) offered to buy him a drink, he accepted.

The life he led wouldn’t be good for a family, anyways.

day: 30, author: zycroft, year: 2010, fandom: the boondock saints

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