Teyla's Turn (SGA) [NC-17]

May 21, 2010 17:35

Title: Teyla's Turn
Author: mandykaysfic
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: Teyla, with Sheppard, McKay, Ford
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,120
Note: Set in the 'Lorne's Team' universe. Takes place some time before 'Lorne's Team'.

Summary: Teyla contributes to one of Sheppard's Team's early training sessions.

Dr McKay behaved quite differently when it came to actual research, Teyla thought. He was insistent the data be collected methodically and to make sure Major Sheppard and Lieutenant Ford did not distract proceedings too often that vital information was missed, he had produced a document in which everything was to be entered. There had been some protests that doing so would prove distracting in itself, not to mention spoiling much of the potential enjoyment to be had from such research. She had protested along with the others, but it turned out not to be the case and all four of them were deriving much pleasure from the proceedings.

She was currently acting as the data recorder, not always an easy job, but no less pleasurable for being able to freely look at the bodies of her team mates. The men were huddled around the table where a variety of measuring devices were kept. Rodney and John were arguing vigorously, while Aiden smile complacently, taunting first one and then the other whenever he could get a word in edgewise. His row was the only one that contained a figure in the column labeled 'volume, unassisted, first round'. She waited patiently, frequently sipping water from the tall glass at her side; their competition had proved rather exciting to watch. They resorted to weighing the flasks and she noted Rodney's pleased flush when he ended up victorious. It was by the smallest amount, but a win was a win as Aiden declared. John demanded a rematch, citing the need for repeatability, which Rodney agreed to, providing it was at another training session.

"Who will record for me?" Teyla waited until their discussion petered out before asking her question.

"Teyla...," John paused, clearly uncertain how to proceed.

"You can squirt?" interrupted Aiden excitedly.

"If you mean do I expel fluid during sexual excitement as you do, of course. Is it not natural?" She wondered that not one of them had noticed before now, but they had only been training like this for a short while and even Rodney was too caught up in what they were doing to be truly scientific with his observations.

"I've never seen it for real. None of my girl friends ever did," confided Aiden. "Oh, man! Squirting!" and he downed the remainder of his water before taking a seat on the sofa.

"Have you...? Do some cultures...?"

"There are some gods that have no interest in male seed, John," said Teyla gently as she stood and stretched languorously. They were all naked. A hastily instituted rule that clothing be removed upon entry into the room had accustomed them to the sight of one another's bodies. Rodney had eventually stopped balking at the requirement when it was just the four of them. He still however preferred not to disrobe in public.

"I can't wait until we get to one of those planets. It will make a real change." Aiden considered the number of time he, Sheppard or McKay had been required to jerk off into cups, plates, fountains, on to the ground or into holy relics in the last three months alone. Stackhouse's team had been on about the same thing, and then there was the whole competition aspect. Who'd have thought an extra ton of grain would depend on whose side could take the other at competitive wanking? Hence the now mandatory special team training sessions.

Rodney simply took the laptop from Teyla, settling who would record before another argument broke out. "You want me to get you a beaker or something?" he offered. They'd taken a variety of measuring flasks from the Infirmary when they'd set up the room. The electronic scales had turned out to be more useful than anyone had imagined, while a tape measure, acquired from someone's sewing kit, had probably seen the most use of all.

Teyla shook her head. "They would not be suitable." She found a shallow dish and declared it would do. "I can often produce more fluid when I use my amrita, but I may not be permitted to use it in some rituals. If you advise me when you wish to collect the data for the columns 'assistance: toys', I will make sure I bring it as you do not seem to have anything equivalent here."

John offered to support her when she squatted over the dish, but she waved him away and he joined Ford and McKay on the sofa. Teyla's positioning was deliberate; they could all get a good view.

With one hand she spread her inner lips; with the other, she slowly inserted the tip of her middle finger inside, testing the wetness she knew she'd find after watching her three team mates compete almost a little too enthusiastically to see who could produce the greatest volume of male seed using only their hands. Her finger slid in easily enough, so it was only a matter of course to draw back and push back with two, feeling for the patch of ridges that produced such pleasure. But today there was no rush. Time trials had been last week, and hadn't they been fun. Besides, she knew from experience that prolonging the culmination would contribute to a more spectacular showing.

She touched the ridges, varying the pressure in the way she liked best. Rocked her hand back and forward. Wanted, needed more. Ground the base of her thumb into her clit. Then conscious of her audience, she withdrew her fingers and made sure they could see them moving slickly. She panted, trying to slow things down a little. She let go of her inner lips and played with her nipples.

"God, Teyla."

She thought the groaned out words were Rodney's. Aiden had cursed clearly, loudly, a time or two and she could see him working his renewed erection. The laptop on Rodney's knees obscured his groin, but his hands were not typing. John was biting his lower lip. It was good they were thus affected. It might be they should find some time to work on being unaffected in the presence of each other. To be unaffected witnessing an orgasm would be a challenge for some some stern god. She would propose that when the time was right. And now she could speed things up again.

She blessed the hours she spent training her body as she retained her balance throughout her orgasm. The fluid gushed out satisfactorily and the dish collected all but a few drops that overshot the edge. It was a good amount. Forty-six milliliters according to Rodney when he finally measured it. Teyla shook her head over their excitement. For now she would also refrain from mentioning how much she could produce when she came repeatedly.


day: 07, year: 2010, author: mandykaysfic, fandom: stargate: atlantis

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