Title: Biding His Time
dustandroses Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Spike, Xander
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Season Four, Episode 10 - "Hush"
Word Count: 100
Biding His Time
Spike watched the boy sleep; he could almost taste the sweet, hot blood pulsing just under the skin. He squirmed in his chair, growing hard just thinking about all that soft, warm flesh bending to his will. These ropes were laughable; Spike could be free in moments. Xander wouldn’t know he was there until it was too late to scream. Spike sighed. Damned soldiers. For now he’d have to find other ways to keep himself amused. He worked a hand free and rubbed his hard-on through his jeans. He was sure he could think of something to keep him occupied.