Merry Month of Masturbation - Day 16
My MMOM Master List 2010 Title: Mirror Man
Author: Beren
Fandom: Tokio Hotel RPS
Pairing: Bill/OMC, Bill/Tom
Rating: NC17/18
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, the real people in it are used without their permission and I definitely don't own them or have any copyright to any part of any of them. I do not believe any of this happened, is likely to happen or should happen it is simply a story created around known facts about those involved.
Warnings: twincest
Summary: Bill finds a secret room while on a photo shoot in an old country house. In the room is a mirror and in the mirror is a man who wants his soul.
Author's Notes: Thanks to Soph for the beta.
Word count: 3,396
Mirror Man