fides in mmom

Day 14: It's My Job (State Within, Nicholas/OMC, R)

May 15, 2010 23:42

Title: It's My Job
Author: fides
Fandom: The State Within
Pairing: Nicholas/OMC
Rating: R
Summary: Every fandom needs a hooker!AU or two.
Notes: This is the prologue of a potential (probably Mark/Nicholas with a side of Nicholas/Christopher and Mark/Jane) AU story with Nicholas, Christopher and Caroline working as prostitutes for Warner, Mark as an executive whose colleagues are not as funny as they think they are, Jane as the local health worker and a world of drugs, blackmail and murder. Let me know what you think of the premise.

Nicholas had never really liked the taste of latex - still, it is better than the alternative and Nicholas is, above all, practical. Especially when he's on his knees with a stranger's cock heavy against his tongue and the slightly stale scent of old urine in his nostrils. The john is not bad as they go, a professional managerial type whose either from one of the local big bucks companies or visiting one on a business trip. Old enough to have got somewhere and young enough to still be climbing. He says his name is Robert, his friends call him Bobby, and Nicholas suspects that might actually be the truth. They talk a little but it is Nicholas' profession that sets the topic rather than "Bobby's". The conversation isn't long because "Bobby" doesn't really care as long as he gets off and only picked Nicholas because the guy didn't want a twink. Actually, Nicholas is pretty sure that he did really want a twink but that would have been going to close to some invisible line that the guy didn't want to cross. Nicholas doesn't ask or comment. Just like he doesn't mention the band of polished, paler skin on the ring finger of "Bobby's" left hand. It doesn't matter to him if the guy's here because he isn't getting cock at home and can't quite do without it or if he has convinced himself that it isn't cheating if he isn't with another woman. It doesn't really matter - all the stories end with him sucking on "Bobby's" dick.

Nicholas doesn't do regular tricks very often - Warner can make much more money hiring him out at the high end of the market. He's discreet, erudite, looks good in black tie, and had had to sit through enough regimental dinners that he knows how to act in polite society. He can also play straight for all the closeted big-wigs who want to pass him off as a friend or business associate at the occasion du jour and then get their cock sucked in the limo on the way home. There is a lot of money to be made in that.

When he doesn't have an escort gig lined up then he tends to cater to more specialised tastes. He was in the active service for years and that mark never quite left him. Military fetishes are big whether it's the tough army boy with his butt in the air or the dispenser of military discipline (which is not at all like Nicholas remembers it). They aren't necessarily the same people and Nicholas has regulars on every side of that particular split and a uniform for pretty much every service (modern and historical) hanging in his wardrobe. He's even gets the odd request for military interrogator which he puts down to a combination of American foreign policy and Kiefer Sutherland. The rest of the time he normally works the phones.

But that doesn't mean he gets out of parlour duty when it is his turn on the roster and he doesn't have other appointments booked - just that he rarely gets called up. In many respects - his current employment is not that dissimilar than the army: lots of waiting around with the occasional frenzy of action. He just gets a better hourly rate than when he'd sold his body to her Majesty and slightly less chance of being shot. Although it is America.

"You like this don't you, slut," Bobby mumbles, probably more because he thinks it is expected of him than any real conviction.

Nicholas hums a vague response which could be interpreted as positive. The sooner this is done the sooner he can get back to his book.

"Oh yeah," Bobby wheezes, "you like that. Touch yourself for me. Let me see how much you like it."

Nicholas is too professional to roll his eyes and it isn't like he's had more bizarre requests it's just the combination of the bad porn dialogue and the effort it will take to make it look like he's getting off on this. He undoes his jeans with his free hand, which is actually something of a relief, and surreptitiously slips off the cock ring he was wearing. It's not easy to get a good rhythm with his off-hand but he's had a lot of practice. A little manual stimulation and Bobby pumping away wasn't going to get him very far.

Not that Bobby realises, but then that is part of Nicholas' job as well.

"Yeah, Baby," Bobby says, "just like that."

'Just like that,' Nicholas thinks. 'Just like that.'

author: fides, fandom: the state within, year: 2010, day: 14

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