Day 29: "The Need for Speed," Sam Carter

May 29, 2009 11:43

Title: The Need for Speed
Self-Lover: Sam Carter
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Words: 595
Date: May 29
Summary: Sam has an itch.

The F-302 is a marvel of engineering, of human technological know-how. To take a completely alien base and turn it into something completely human-built was a feat of ingenuity. A two-person craft with four separate engines designed for maximum thrust. Armed with modified naquadah air-to-air missiles and projectile cannons, no other army on Earth had a ship that could hope to match it. Two billion dollars of research went into the creation of the ship, making it a crown jewel of the Stargate program... and the single most expensive vibrator Samantha Carter had ever used.

She requested test flights of as many ships as she could get away with. Whenever she visited the Alpha Site, she put her name on the list of available test pilots. When the call comes, when they need an experienced pilot to shake the cobwebs out, she will drop whatever she is doing and run for the hangar.

The tingle starts as soon as she leaves the hangar, immediately pulling up to clear the trees at the end of the runway. She banks hard right, following the line of a nearby stream all the way to the mountains that ring the Stargate valley. She keeps the monologue going with air command, making sure no one senses anything out of the ordinary as she slowly pushes the yoke farther and farther.

Picking up speed, she can almost sense each barrier whipping past the nose of her ship. Subsonic, watching the birds pass by the windows. Sonic, clouds tear apart against the front of her wings, fluffy taffeta shredded and left behind in a heartbeat. Sam's own heart pounds against her ribcage, her breath getting ragged as she broke the transonic barrier, pushing hard, pushing the engines to their limits to get faster as fast as possible. She felt a physical shove as she hit supersonic speeds. She gripped the yoke with both hands and pulled it toward her angling the nose of her ship up, literally into the wild blue yonder.

She closes her eyes and anticipates the next break, a boom four times as strong as breaking the sound barrier. She's wired, pushed to the edge, and all it will take it one good... shove...

She breaks the hypersonic barrier and she can feel it in her bones, shuddering, mouth agape behind her mask as her orgasm hits. The shock of it runs through her body like electricity and she lifts her butt off the seat, rocking it forward as if she's actually fucking the ship. Her hands are tight on the yoke, her boots planted hard on the floorboard of the cockpit.

Finally, Sam settles back in her seat, shaky and weak in the knees. She exhales, looks out the window, and adjusts her course. She returns to the base, tucking her toy back among the other ships. The deck chief runs over to greet her, and she hands him her helmet. "Flew like a charm, Chief."

"Thanks for taking her out, Colonel. I'm sure you have better things to do with your time."

Sam grins, still flush from her orgasm. "Are you kidding me?" She pats the side of the ship and jumps down. "I would drive one of these home if I could get away with it. Let me know when you need another test pilot."

"Will do, ma'am."

Sam walks back across the hangar and casts one final look over her shoulder at the ship. She chuckles and shakes her head. Worlds apart from two batteries and a shaft of rubber, that was for damn sure.

author: geonncannon, fandom: stargate: sg-1, year: 2009, day: 29

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