Day 28: "Waiting Is So Overrated," Sam/Jack/Vala, (Stargate SG-1)

May 28, 2009 11:05

Title: Waiting Is So Overrated
Self-Lover: Vala Mal Doran (Sam/Jack/Vala)
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Words: 1,325
Date: May 28
Note: This one is for lilferret ;-D
Summary: Vala doesn't go for that "long, slow burn" thing.

The SGC gossip mill doesn't take long to catch her up on whose banging who. Sergeant Siler and Major Wood (a name that still makes her giggle) are an item, and Harriman seems willing to bang anything that moves. She tries to stay still when she's around him. But the most shocking was the soap opera of Colonel Carter and General O'Neill. They had spent ten years - ten years! - dancing around each other. She brought it up to Sam on one of their girls nights, and Sam nearly choked on her champagne. She just touched the cuff of her jacket to her lips, shook her head, and changed the subject.

The rare times General O'Neill came to visit, she very rarely got a chance to be alone with him. And she wasn't going to bring it up in mixed company; she had some tact, after all. But she couldn't understand why they couldn't just do it if it felt good. They were consenting adults. They weren't in the same unit (although what that had to do with anything... unit cohesion was important, and sex would only help that). Why not go for it?

When General O'Neill took them all out to celebrate the defeat of the Ori, Vala finally got him alone. She had to corner him in the men's room, but she got her goal. She point-blank asked him how he felt about Samantha. He hemmed and hawed and finally gave her the truth. Vala pointed out that Sam was soon going to be moving to Atlantis, a whole galaxy away, and what regulations would deny them a little good-bye boff?

He didn't have an answer for that.

Neither did Sam.

Vala made an excuse to get them out of the bar, leaving with them so as not to arouse suspicion. Unfortunately, she aroused confusion in Sam and O'Neill when she climbed into the truck with them. O'Neill said, "Uh..."

Sam said, "Oh."

Vala said, "What?"

Sam and Jack exchanged glances and Sam said, "Well, she did kind of push the issue. It's only fair she get to... enjoy the spoils."

Jack stared at her without blinking.

Vala beamed. "Well! I was just going to suggest you drop me off at the base, but I'm game." She put her arm around Sam and pulled her close, squeezing her tightly. "What do you say, General? A little three for the price of two?"

Jack didn't answer.

Sam looked down at Vala's hand, then said, "Fine with me, sir."

Jack covered his eyes with his hands and muttered something under his breath. Finally, he started the truck and pulled out of the spot. Vala beamed and pressed her hip against Sam's. This was going to be fun.


It was Vala's decision that she just be an observer at first. She sat in the armchair in the corner of Sam's bedroom and watched as Sam and Jack moved toward the bed. Their kisses were tentative at first, but quickly grew more impatient. Ten years of pent-up sexual frustration can do that to you. Sam pushed Jack down onto the bed and straddled him, breaking the kiss long enough to get her T-shirt over her head. She dropped it to the floor and Jack pressed his face between her breasts, kissing her through her bra and running his tongue over her cleavage.

Vala bit her bottom lip and squirmed in the chair, thighs together, one hand between her legs. She didn't want to get ahead of herself. Sam pushed Jack down on the bed and bent down to kiss him. His hands slid down her back, fingers disappearing under the waistband of her jeans before moving back up. He unhooked her bra and they squirmed so she could get rid of it. Jack cupped her bare breasts, rough thumbs running across her nipples, and Sam arched her back. "God, Jack," she sighed.

Sam moved her hands down his chest, feeling him through his shirt. She shifted her hips and undid his pants, pushing the zipper down and shoving her hand inside. Jack's entire body jerked and his body bowed, his shoulders and thighs the only parts touching the mattress as Sam wrapped her hand around him.

Vala lifted her hips and pushed her pants down slightly. Her underwear was lacy and "french," whatever that meant, and she dragged the backs of her fingers over the crotch. Nothing like a nice live performance to get the juices flowing, so to speak. She leaned forward, resting her chin on her free fist as she craned her neck to get a better look. Jack undid Sam's pants and rolled them so that he was on top. He kissed her lips as he pushed her jeans down, taking her underwear with them. Sam whimpered into his mouth as he spread her legs, her jeans still around her thighs as he pulled her to him.

He moved his hand down, joining hers between their bodies. Sam's eyes were wide open, reflecting the hallway light, but they closed as soon as Jack touched her. He arched his back and Sam lifted her body to meet him. Sam grunted as Jack entered her, trembling and digging her fingers into the soft skin of his hips as he moved forward. Vala licked her suddenly dry lips, her fingers underneath her panties now, working furiously as she watched ten years of frustration come to an end.

Jack brought his hand up and touched Sam's face. She turned her head into the caress, his fingers slipping into her mouth as he thrust into her. Sam kicked her jeans away and then brought her legs up. She wrapped them around Jack's waist, hooked her ankles together, and used them to pull him into her.

Jack's grunts were loud, his motions quick and to the point. Vala knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer, not without help. She eyed the pocket of her slacks and thought about the bottle of little blue pills Dr. Lam gave her earlier. She hoped they would come into play soon.

"Jack!" Sam moaned, her fingers drawing lines up his sides. Vala wondered if they would leave marks. She ground herself into him as Vala strummed her clit, her own hips rising off the chair as she felt her climax approaching. She threw her head back and came, legs crossed, pinning her hand right where it was. She sagged against the chair and looked back at the bed just as Jack's body went rigid and he came. Sam had her head turned to the side, Jack's lips working her neck, and her nostrils flared with each breath.

Jack collapsed on top of her, and Sam began running her hands over his sweaty back. She kissed his shoulder, nipped at his ear, and then whispered something to him as she cupped the back of his head with both hands. They kissed, almost chastely, and Sam turned to look at Vala.

Vala smiled brightly. Her hand was still between her legs, her pants around her knees. Hard to deny what she had been doing. Sam kissed Jack and said, "Vala. It's going to be a while before he's ready again. Why don't you come keep us company?"

Vala stood and let her pants and underwear drop. She bent down to get the pills from her pocket, peeled her shirt off, and jumped onto the bed. She cupped Sam's face as Jack rolled to the side. Vala brushed Sam's bottom lip and tossed Jack the bottle. "Take one of those, General, and let us know when you're ready to join in." She licked her lips and covered Sam's body with her own.

Jack watched as the two women sank to the mattress, looked at the pills, then tossed the bottle away. Maybe later, he thought as he moved closer to the action, but he didn't need a lick of help at that very moment.

author: geonncannon, fandom: stargate: sg-1, day: 28, year: 2009

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