DAY 24: The things I want to do to you (Primeval, Connor/Becker, R)

May 27, 2009 09:34

Title: The things I want to do to you.
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Connor/Becker
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,108
Summary: He just wanted the front seat, damnit, and he had called it. Becker should have realised he wouldn’t just give up.
Disclaimer: Everything that Alex says or does is not meant, and should not be taken in any form of literal context. I am merely the produce of a small goat and a typewriter locked inside a small room with no doors, windows or lemonade.
Notes: Written for Day 23 of mmom because noxnoctisanima wrote Shotgun and then refused to finish it...and my muse decided it wouldn’t let it go.

Humongous thanks to myinkyfingers for her help, and for even writing a wee bit of this. *snuggles*

All my fics are here
All mmom fics here

He really had no idea what he was doing until he sat down.

day: 24, year: 2009, fandom: primeval, author: merihn

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