DAY 21: When we wake up. (Primeval, Connor/Becker, R)

May 23, 2009 10:24

Title: When we wake up.
Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: Connor/Becker
Rating: R.
Word Count: 671
Summary: Connor stretched as he awoke, pleasantly warm and a little sore.
Disclaimer: Everything that Alex says or does is not meant, and should not be taken in any form of literal context. I am merely the produce of a small goat and a typewriter locked inside a small room with no doors, windows or lemonade.
Notes: Written for Day 21 of mmom for myinkyfingers prompt. I reallyreally hate that we don’t have a first name for Becker *growls at the makers*.

Much thanks to merry_gentry for reading it over and telling me it wasn’t the crap I thought it was.

All my fics are here
All mmom fics here

He smiled at the reminder of the night before, of Becker’s hands on his skin, mouth fair devouring Connor’s.

day: 21, fandom: merlin, year: 2009, author: merihn

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