Day 21: "Unfooled," The Mentalist

May 21, 2009 11:06

Title: Unfooled
Self-Lover: Patrick Jane
Fandom: The Mentalist
Words: 949
Date: May 21
Notes: I've been told this is creepy. I thought it was vaguely creepy while writing it. Fair warning. ;-D
Summary: Who do they think they're messing with?

Sometimes he wonders if they know he knows. He thinks Lisbon suspects, but Van Pelt is oblivious. It amused him when he focuses on the facts; they know he is a master of observation. They know he is able to pinpoint with crystal clarity the deepest, darkest secrets of people he only met moments before. So why do they think they, the people he works with every day, are any different?

Cho is the biggest enigma, and Jane is impressed by that. Cho goes to great lengths to keep himself closed off, to hide any clues he may subconsciously give off. It's what makes him such a good interrogator. He doesn't exist behind the eyes. But trying to figure out how he gained that skill, ahh, there's the trick.

But this morning, Jane is focused on another little drama playing out in the office. He knew from the moment Van Pelt joined the team that she was keeping something of herself back. He first thought it was just jitters, wanting to impress the boss. His prediction was that Van Pelt merely wanted to look capable in front of a woman she respected. And maybe that was true, at the beginning. No more, though.

As Lisbon grew more certain of Van Pelt's capabilities, the balance shifted. Van Pelt was pulled more completely into the team's inner circle, and Lisbon softened toward her. But there was something different in the way they interacted. Little things. A look, a touch, the way they stood next to one another in the elevator. He watched it all, and filed it away.

And then one morning, Lisbon and Van Pelt arrived late for work. Not together, that would have been far too obvious. Jane watched as Van Pelt entered the office exactly fifty-three minutes after Lisbon. The distance from the office to Van Pelt's apartment (twenty-one minutes), and the distance between Van Pelt's apartment and Lisbon's (twenty-four minutes). Plus one minute for parking and the elevator ride, of course.

It became his entertainment for that day. He watched as Lisbon stood next to Van Pelt's desk to ask a question about a case, and he noted how Van Pelt looked up at Lisbon. There was less of a distance between them. Not quite boss/subordinate any longer, they were somewhat equals. They were comfortable with one another in a way they hadn't been the day before. Relationships didn't make such drastic changes unless...

The thought intrigued him and, yes, he was a man. He had urges. He closes his eyes in the privacy of his home, the home he only goes to when he needs a private moment. He loosens his collar and drops the vest to the floor. He sits on the edge of his mattress and pictures Lisbon and Van Pelt undressing themselves with the passion of exploration. He pictures Van Pelt arching her back as Lisbon bows to kiss her neck, to run her tongue along the alabaster skin.

He stretches out on the floor and undoes his pants. He rests his hand on top of his underwear and uses his fingers to gently massage himself to erection. He only had the barest of facts, touches and the way they spoke to one another, but that was enough to extrapolate certain things. He knew, for instance, that Van Pelt would be the first one totally naked. He knew Van Pelt would sit on the edge of the bed, Lisbon straddling her, and they would kiss with abandon. Truly exploring their passions for the first time without restriction or fear of rejection.

Jane pushes his underwear down and drags the side of one finger along the bottom of his cock. He knows enough of Lisbon and Van Pelt to know that he can't effectively predict how they would end up making love. Logic said that Lisbon would dominate, but he was sure that Van Pelt, once given the chance, would take the upper hand.

He licks his palm and grips himself, starting a slow rhythm that has served him well in the past. He pictures Lisbon, who hadn't been with anyone in such a long time. She would find herself drawn into the emotion, lost in a headrush, and Van Pelt would be able to take full advantage of that. It would probably be the only time Van Pelt would be able to pin Lisbon, but that was the only time it would matter: in the bedroom.

Jane's breathing quickens and he presses his lips together. Van Pelt's slender fingers pushing between Lisbon's legs, that shocked/surprised look in Lisbon's eyes as she felt the pleasure of being penetrated. One of Lisbon's legs hooked against Van Pelt's hip, thrusting down to meet her. And they would kiss, and Lisbon would push her hands into Van Pelt's shirt...

Jane shudders as he comes, his cock twitching in his hand as semen stains the back of his hand and the crotch of his trousers. He sprawls on the floor, hands out to either side as his erection grows soft. He stares at the ceiling and a smile crosses his lips as he thinks about what Lisbon and Van Pelt might be doing at just that moment. He watched them walk to the elevator together, saw them in the parking lot stalling so people would see them leave in different cars. They had spent the entire day trying to avoid each other, trying not to draw any attention to the fact that they desperately wanted to be together again. No eye contact, no lingering looks, short, terse answers to direct questions.

Jane smiles again and chuckles into the darkness. Really. Who do they think they're working with here?

author: geonncannon, fandom: the mentalist, day: 21, year: 2009

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