MMOM 9 - Post (Tokio Hotel AU, Bill/OMCs (implied), Bill/Jörg)

May 09, 2009 23:26

Title: MMOM 9 - Post
Author: maiwen05
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Pairing: Bill/OMCs (implied), Bill/Jörg (very, very brief)
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Do not own.
Warning: Mild non-con.
Summary: Bill is on display for everyone’s use.
Author's Notes: AU. Bill and Jörg aren’t related in any way, so don’t scamper away at that pairing, and the encounter between them barely lasts long enough to warrant it as a pairing. As for the non-con, the sexual acts aren’t sought out by both parties, but they are accepted, hence the ‘mild’ warning, and most everything is implied. Unbeta’ed.
Word Count: 714

A lifetime of pleasure would be the ideal way to spend every day for anyone. Satisfying the desires of every person you meet and having them return the favor seems like it would be a dream come true, most especially for a man rife with youth and an endless supply or hormones. Yes, the perfect life for anyone, except Bill.

Still a boy, barely in his teens, Bill was moved from his home, taken by an “uncle” to live in the city. His family was struggling with finances, and he was promised a better life, a chance at a real future. Bill missed his family the moment the car pulled away, and every day since, but he understood that he had to do this, whatever it was going to be, had to leave so that he could make something of himself and come back to save them all.

Bill arched away from the wooden pole behind him, the wet release of the man in front of him spattering his stomach, mingling with his own and that of the other dozen men who had visited him today. He started to slip, his muscles aching from too little movement and his energy drained from too many orgasms, but was caught by the scruff of the neck.

“Not yet, my Bill,” said the man holding him up, his “uncle”. “One more and you’re through for the night.”

“Can’t he wait until tomorrow maybe?” Bill asked desperately.

“Don’t worry, Bill,” his uncle said. “This one will be quick. Master Kaulitz just wants to have a look at you, and give you a brief test.”

“Test?” Bill visibly perked, but solely out of concern. “What kind of test? And for what?”

“Nothing my Bill can’t handle,” his uncle said, patting Bill’s exposed bottom. “Tomorrow is young Master Kaulitz’s birthday, and his father is considering you as his present. I’ll truly be lost without you, but I know this is the right choice for everyone involved.” He touched Bill’s cheek softly, tucking a lock of ebony hair behind his ear. “Now, I want you to be on your best behavior, Bill. If you’re chosen, this will open so many new doors for us. Make me proud.”

Jörg flicked his wrist one last time, stepping back as far as the action would allow as he watched Bill shudder before him, another shot of his own semen painting Bill’s body.

“He’s certainly beautiful at climax,” Jörg said, admiring the way Bill’s long eyelashes brushed his cheeks and how his mouth fell open around his quiet sounds of pleasure. “And you say he’s just as skilled, able to perform any request one might ask?” He held his hand out to his side, an aide quickly wiping him clean of Bill’s release.

“Very, sir,” Bill uncle said, inclining his head towards Jörg. “He’s been praised by everyone that has ever come to him, right from the beginning.”

“While his purpose would be to submit fully to my son, I do imagine young Tom wouldn’t mind being serviced now and again.” Jörg tilted his head, examining the slim, pale young man struggling to remain upright on his own and not depend on the bindings at his wrists. “You have a sale,” he said finally. “I’ll send for him tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir.” Bill’s uncle beamed, bowing repeatedly. “I will have him ready and waiting for you.”

“No need to do much,” Jörg said. “He’ll be fixed up properly once he arrives. A bath and clothing will do.” Jörg pulled on his gloves and a cape was draped around his shoulders. He nodded to Bill’s uncle who continued to bow. “One last thing, no one touches him again. From this point on, he belongs to Tom, and my son has the worst temper when people touch his things.”

“Of course, sir. He’ll be taken inside immediately.” Bill’s uncle snapped his fingers and two young girls hurried over. Jörg nodded his approval as they were instructed to clean Bill up for the night, feed him, and put him straight to bed.

“A pleasure as always,” Jörg said in departing.

Bill’s uncle remained bent as a show of respect until Jörg was back inside of his car. Then he went to make preparations for Bill’s departure the following day.

day: 09, author: maiwen05, fandom: rpf: tokio hotel, year: 2009

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