Day 2: "Saturday Morning," SVU, Olivia/Alex

May 02, 2009 18:18

Title: Saturday Morning
Self-Lover: Olivia Benson
Fandom: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Words: 595
Date: May 2
Summary: Everyone loves Saturday, but Olivia has a different reason than most.

Stabler, Fin and Munch all had a certain idea of ADA Alexandra Cabot. Designer suits, perfectly coifed hair, high heels and a briefcase. They looked at her and pictured a model in a catalogue, perfectly drawn to show a Modern Businesswoman. The first time Olivia woke and found herself in Alex's private life, she was stunned at the differences. On Saturday morning, with no pending case to work, Alex plodded through her loft apartment in bare feet, a baggy pair of cut-off sweatpants, and a T-shirt that was long enough to hide the shorts.

Olivia often lounged in bed, wearing her blouse and nothing else, watching as Alex sipped coffee over the newspaper. It was refreshing to see Alex relax.

The next time Olivia was in court, watching Alex cross-examine some asshole, she had a vision of Saturday mornings. The business suit seemed to melt away, first the jacket sliding down her long bare arms. The sleeveless blouse underneath gave way to a tank top. Olivia bit her lip and glanced to her right. She was sitting at the edge of the bench, her side blocked from view by the arm rest. To her right, Stabler was trying to focus on the trial but his eyes kept drifting shut. She knew he had been awake for almost thirty-six hours trying to get this conviction.

She slid her newspaper over to her thigh and moved her right hand between her legs. It was just going to be a quick brush of her fingers to take the edge off. She cupped herself through her pants and focused on Alex again.

The business suit continued to fade. Stockings gave way to bare legs, and the dress seemed to evaporate and reveal peach-colored panties. Olivia licked her lips and applied pressure with two fingers as the panties became boxer shorts. The hair, so perfectly in place, became mussed from sleep and raking fingers. The glasses disappeared completely.

Olivia sometimes stood behind Alex at the stove while breakfast was being reheated in the microwave. She would pluck the elastic of Alex's underwear with her fingers, kiss her neck, and then the boxers would be on the floor and breakfast would have to be reheated again.

Olivia moved her fingers like she was a pianist, the fabric brushing against the sensitive flesh. She swallowed as she pictured her lover speaking to the jury in her pajamas, and she smiled. What would they say if they knew what she was like on weekends? If they could see what Little Miss Designer Labels wore when she was at home. But they wouldn't. That was just for Olivia.

Alex finished her closing argument and turned briefly toward the gallery. She locked eyes with Olivia, and the corner of her lip twitched in a smile as she returned to her seat.

Olivia closed her eyes and thrust her hips against her hand. It wasn't the world's most satisfying orgasm, but it would take the edge off. She bit her bottom lip until her body stopped twitching, then slid her hand from between her legs. Suddenly, everyone around her was standing up. Just in time, she thought as she joined them.

Stabler grimaced and said, "Damn. Now we gotta wait for a jury. There's another three days lost."

"Three?" Olivia said. "They might come back tomorrow."

"Probably not," Stabler said. "Tomorrow's Saturday."

"It is," Olivia said. She looked at the back of Alex's head. Despite the disappointment of having to wait for the verdict, she couldn't help but smile at the knowledge of what Saturdays meant.

author: geonncannon, year: 2009, day: 02, fandom: law & order special victims unit

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