Day 22: Time In White, West Wing, Josh/Sam

May 23, 2008 21:51

 Title: Time in White
Author: Nox
Fandom: West Wing
Pairing: Josh/Sam
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Don't own it, not mine. No offence or liability intended
Warnings: Slash
Summary: They don't have time for sex anymore.

Sam shuddered, tangling his hands into Josh’s hair as the other man wrapped his hand around their cocks, stroking them as he kissed Sam.

Sam arched, fingers clenching at Josh’s shoulders, mouth open as Josh stroked them ruthlessly.

Josh’s wild hair brushed his cheek and bursts of air fluttered across his chest as Josh panted against him.

Sam’s hips were thrusting in time with Josh’s hand and he could see the precome glisten on Josh’s fingers as they stroked.

He jerked hard towards Josh and came, Josh stroking him through his orgasm until he to spilled across their stomachs.

Sam rolled sideways, fishing for his shirt. Josh lay panting as he wiped them down.

“Why is it that we never actually have sex anymore?” Josh propped himself up onto his arm and stared at Sam. Sam threw the shirt into a chair baring the Presidential seal and grinned at him.

“Welcome to the Presidency Josh.”  

day: 22, year: 2008, fandom: the west wing, author: noxnoctisanima

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