Title: Dreaming of a Kiss
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: Katie Brown, Rodney McKay
Summary: A kiss to remember...
Katie Brown still dreamed about that kiss. It wasn't just the way his mouth had taken command of hers. It was the way he had swept her into his strong arms, cradled her against his broad chest and held her so masterfully; like she already belonged to him.
Every thought had flown out of her head. When he released her, she didn't hear a single word he said before he walked out the door. All she could feel was the crashing disappointment that he hadn't picked her up, carried her to the bed and taken possession of her body right then and there.
Somehow, she managed to get rid of Dr. Beckett. The moment the door closed behind him, she yanked off her soaking panties, grabbed her vibrator and spent the rest of the evening reliving that kiss and imagining what Rodney would do to her on their next date.
There had never been a next date and Katie couldn't understand why. She had dropped numerous hints, flirted with him and tried to accidentally-on-purpose run into him at every opportunity. But he never asked her out again and after a while, it seemed that he was avoiding her.
She couldn't figure it out. That kiss had been astonishing. Hadn't he felt it too? Perhaps it hadn't been as good for him and he didn't have the heart to tell her. With great reluctance, Katie finally gave up any hope of ever luring Rodney into her bed, or lose all respect for herself.
But she still woke up in the night, her lips tender and aching from the memory of the best kiss she had ever had.