Battlestar Galactica (2003): Anticipate (Laura Roslin/Bill Adama, T)

May 08, 2008 00:00

Title: Anticipate
Author: Trialia
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Rating: T
Word Count: 314
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Laura Roslin/Bill Adama
Spoilers: Lay Down Your Burdens, Unfinished Business
Beta: cincoflex
Summary: [mmom day 8] It had always been them.
A/N: No day 6 or 7 for me as I was at a funeral on Tuesday and my muse didn’t want to come out and play after that. Sorry to those of you who were looking!

It's almost dark when they finally get a chance to leave the revellers behind and find their own place a little way outside the cacophony that is the open bar. Laura's grateful, hazily sinking down with Bill onto the sandbags behind someone's tent.

She's sure she couldn't be more content, right at this moment. Something good to smoke, alcohol that may scorch her throat but won't kill her, and him.

Always him.

Even from the beginning, as she vaguely remembered him saying a long time ago, it had always been about them.

Right now, she didn’t have the slightest problem with that, and didn't have a care in the world.

Except, perhaps, getting him into her bed... It could wait a little, she decided. He didn't have to return to Galactica for three more days, and she wanted to take her time. Lie under the stars with him and talk about everything and nothing except business, now that she wasn't the President anymore and he didn't have that as an excuse to keep his distance from her. Didn't mean she was too happy with Baltar replacing her, but this, the chance to be with Bill without barriers or boundaries... this could make up for it.

All the nights she'd spent alone in her tiny tent - as schoolmistress they'd given her one of her own, and she was grateful for it - thinking about him, touching herself and wishing it was him, her imagination bringing him here to her to sit on the rickety metal chair beside her bed and watch her, eyes burning blue flame...

Tonight she could have what she wanted; waiting only made the anticipation a little sweeter. Put an edge on the want that had been in her since she couldn't remember when.

It was good.

So were they, later that night and all his leave to follow.


fandom: battlestar galactica 2003, year: 2008, day: 08, author: trialia

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