Title: Bloody Sam Tyler
joanne_cFandom or Genre: Life On Mars
Pairing or Character: Gene Hunt, Sam Tyler
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (not sure if some of the language rises it to R but I don't think so)
Disclaimer: Life On Mars characters belong to the BBC and Kudos productions, not me.
A/N: Fifth fic for the
mmom challenge.
Summary: Gene hates bloody Sam Tyler. He's so annoying.
Bloody Sam Tyler. That was what Gene Hunt had always thought of him.
Coming in with his new-fangled thoughts from Hyde. They did things differently there, bloody Sam Tyler had said. Gene wondered if Hyde knew anything about being a cop, at all. He sincerely doubted it half the time. It wasn't like bloody Sam Tyler was more than just lucky half the time and the rest he wouldn't have managed without Gene or the team.
Bloody Sam Tyler. Getting his way with a turn of the head, a - Gene could barely admit this - better way of doing some things. He could always get around Gene. That was probably the thing Gene hated the second most about bloody Sam Tyler.
The thing Gene hated the most about bloody Sam Tyler? Well there were parts to it all.
Gene hated that bloody Sam Tyler was invading his wank fantasies. That he couldn't even pull himself off without imagining those eyes looking up at him, that mouth on his cock. He hated that all his wet dreams were about bloody Sam Tyler and all the things he'd let the Gene Genie do to him. He wasn't fond of the times when he'd let bloody Sam Tyler do the things in question to him, not that he would ever admit that to himself.
And the thing that Gene really hated the most about bloody Sam Tyler?
Was that he never seemed to notice that Gene wanted him so badly he could taste it.