Battlestar Galactica (2003): Pansies (Roslin/Adama)

May 01, 2008 22:27

Title: Pansies
Author: trialia
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Rating: T
Word Count: 292
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Laura Roslin/Bill Adama
Spoilers: through early S4
Beta: oparu
Summary: She knows she'll die.
A/N: Written for mmom day 1 (I have to ease into these things, I'm not used to writing this type of fic, so...)

He's reading to her, quietly.

"'Love is like a fever.'"

Her eyes are closed in memory, thought, anything to take her away from the idea of her treatment, though now she lies only in his bed, arm sore from the IV as she rests.

Yes, like a fever, like an illness, like something you can't let go of and can't put out save to make it stay in the back of your mind for as long as you can... is that love?

If it were only lust - she's fought that before, and won.

She's fought this cancer before and - but no - she didn't win. Hera's blood did it for her, and she knows- she knows- she can't beat it this time.

She doesn't have the strength.

He's still reading. She tunes back in. He has a wonderful voice, all sandstone and velvet, and she wonders why she's suddenly thinking of it in terms of touch and not hearing.

"Looking at her tearstained cheeks and red eyes, he told her, 'Keep going. You can. If you think you're going to lose, you'll lose. If you think you'll win - you'll win.'

She smiled a little, and nodded. 'And if you think you love someone?'

'Then you love them. That's what love is - thoughts.'"

Laura smiles, making a decision. Opens her eyes. Reaches out for him--

--Does what she can to live, embracing him and, a few moments later, kissing back fiercely as he begins to undress her.

He's touching her, and he's all she can think about as his lips close around a nipple and his hand is-- gods, his hands--

It's a long time after that before she starts to think about dying again.


fandom: battlestar galactica 2003, day: 01, year: 2008, author: trialia

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