DAY 26: Shame. (SPN, Sam/Dean, R, underage)

May 29, 2007 02:06

Title: Shame
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating R
Word Count: 500
Summary: It began with a kiss…
Warnings: Slash, incest, non-graphic underage.
Notes: Twenty-sixth fic written for mmom (Merry Month of May/Masturbation)
This is dedicated to mickeym and the LJ meme that broke my fic drought. THANK YOU.

Set in the John-finds-out verse (for which I’m starting to think I need a name, as this is the third fic) before either of the other fics, When will I miss you, when will I miss you so far. and Oh and I sin every single day…

All my fics are here

All mmom fics here.

He thinks Sam's still asleep as he turns over, snuffling a little, curling himself into Dean's warmth, forcing Dean to bend, curve to Sam's shape.

year: 2007, day: 26, fandom: supernatural, author: merihn

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