Title: In the Silence of the Nighttime (innocence is here)
For: MMOM - Thirty (One) Dirty Words - Day 23 (Prompt: Bound)
elrhiarhodan Fandom: The Flash
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Barry Allen, Harrison Wells | Eobard Thawne; Barry Allen/Harrison Wells | Eobard Thawne
Spoilers/Episode References: None
Warnings/Enticements/Triggers: None
Word Count: ~550
Summary: Eobard enjoys putting the ropes on Barry, but he himself is just as tightly bound.
Author's Notes: Written for Day 23 of the Merry Month of Masturbation, for the prompt "Bound". This is another backfill. When I was doing my master post of MMOM fics, I realized that I'd missed Day 23. So, something quick and dirty to complete the challenge.
For my EoBarry Revealed cheerleaders - Kyele, Maraceles, and Hisaminami. Once again, thank you for your dedication and enthusiasm to this pairing!
Title from the Capercallie song, Beautiful Wasteland.
Eobard ties the last knot, pulls the cord to the perfect tension and steps back, admiring his handiwork. )