MMOM Day 25 - Eternity's Sunrise (The Flash)

May 25, 2016 21:40

Title: Eternity's Sunrise
For: MMOM - Thirty (One) Dirty Words - Day 25 (Prompt: Shower)
Author: elrhiarhodan
Fandom: The Flash
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Barry Allen, Harrison Wells | Eobard Thawne (Barry/Eobard)
Spoilers/Episode References: None
Warnings/Enticements/Triggers: None
Word Count: ~700
Summary: Part of the EoBarry Revealed Series, Barry watches his husband shower and take his own pleasure in the seeing and then the doing.

Author's Notes: Written for Day 25 of the Merry Month of Masturbation, for the prompt "Shower". After last night's finale, I think we all need some feels along with our smut. A gift to Kyele, Maraceles and Hisaminami for all of their wonderful enthusiasm for this 'verse and the joy they give me in their appreciation.

Title from John Tavener's symphony of the same name.


( It's early morning and Barry leans against the sink, watching his husband. Eo's showering, a commonplace activity for a very uncommon man. )

year: 2016, fandom: the flash, author: elrhiarhodan, day: 25

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