Day 08 A Matter of Perspective (Original fic)

May 24, 2016 16:25

Title: A Matter of Perspective
Fandom: Original
Pairing/Characters: gen
Author: meridian_rose
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 795
Prompt: Meets my solo celebration bingo card prompt "I only make love to myself"
Summary: An imposter king comforts a woman, kin to the man he is betrothed to. She explains she is not the "harlot" some call her. In fact to lie with a man will rob her of her gift - or curse, as others name it. That does not mean she is deprived of worldly pleasures, not even "release".
Content Notes: No standard warnings apply. No sexual content but contains discussions around sex, virginity, masturbation, and same gender relationships.

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year: 2016, fandom: original fiction, day: 08, author: meridian_rose

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