MMOM Day 17 - The Value of Experimentation (The Flash)

May 17, 2016 14:35

Title: The Value of Experimentation
For: MMOM - Thirty (One) Dirty Words - Day 17 (Prompt: Power)
Author: elrhiarhodan
Fandom: The Flash
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Barry Allen, Harrison Wells | Eobard Thawne, Barry/Eobard
Spoilers/Episode References: None
Warnings/Enticements/Triggers: None
Word Count: ~900
Summary: Eo catches his new husband playing with his powers, on himself. As a scientist, he understands the value of experimentation. As a husband, he's a little put out. Barry calls him on that and some games ensue.

Author's Notes: Written for Day 17 of the Merry Month of Masturbation, for the prompt "Power". A continuation of happily married Eobard and Barry, first started in A Most Improbable Miracle, but set shortly after their marriage.

Content Notes: Be warned, there is no plot, just tooth-rotting fluff and schmoop.


( Through his lashes, Barry looks over at his new husband and smiles. He knows the grin is sly - the foxy look - as Eo sometimes calls it. )

year: 2016, fandom: the flash, day: 17, author: elrhiarhodan

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