Day 02: Mind Over Matter (TVD; Caroline/Stefan, Caroline/Alaric)

May 04, 2016 14:34

Title: Mind Over Matter
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing: Caroline/Stefan, Caroline/Alaric
Word Count: 922
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Explicit sexual content and language, masturbation, emotional infidelity.
Summary: Even though she's trained her lips to say Alaric, she can't help what her mind wanders to even after three years.
A/N: For the prompt "you can't say Alaric and be thinking Stefan" at MMOM. I haven't caught all the way up yet so this might be a bit AU.
AO3 Link:

year: 2016, fandom: the vampire diaries, author: agirlnamedtruth, day: 02

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