Day 30: The Sample ST TOS/AOS Spock/McCoy [NC-17]

May 30, 2015 19:44

Title: The Sample
Author: tprillahfiction
Fandom: Star Trek TOS or AOS
Pairing: Spock/McCoy
Rating: [NC-17]
Word Count: 4,000 words approx
Written for: mmom day 30
The sequel to:  "Questions, Questions" (but you don't need to read that one to make sense of this one.)
Summary:  Spock's having trouble giving a semen sample.  McCoy has to help Spock out with Masturbating for the first time.  A farce.  Featuring masturbation, dirty talk, awkward sexual incounter.


day: 30, fandom: star trek: aos reboot, fandom: star trek, year: 2015, author: tprillahfiction, fandom: star trek: the original series

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