You know, this post started off with two interesting things from Arts and Letters plus something from new scientist and has now morphed into something random and spectacular. Just accept it as a token of my love that I am filling your f-lists with pages of links to places you'd probably rather not know existed. It's for your own good. And for the good of science, of course.
Usually I advise people to never read the comments on the news pages but some of
these are just so aggravating I had to share it. As for the article itself? Meh. The more recent DNA survey of North-east England had more conclusive and more interesting things to say about multicultural Roman Britain.
Defending the indefensible - More Lee Smolin bashing from Professor Motl, who I'm currently in love with, but who would probably despise me if we ever met (Motl that is. Smolin seems the unusually talented type of... person who manages to get even Professor Rees pissed off. Yeah, really. I know right?).
In Praise of Scribes - a nice little post from
Got Medieval.
Studio Malick - An amazing artist who I knew very little about before.
Wilberforce and Huxley: A Legendary Encounter
The British Library has just acquired the entire collection of
Mervyn Peake's original written works!
Time for a new Nigerian President - well duh.
The Rise and Fall of St Bob - a man after my own heart. Bob Geldof may well be a cock, but he's a well-meaning, far too successful for his own good type of cock. Besides, there are millions of others who equally cocks in the same way and they're even more annoying, just less famous.
China's Endgame - warning: I have not actually read this article properly so if it's a load of bollocks, be gentle with me. I just found it interesting.
10 ideas for tomorrow's Africa
Apes found suffering self-doubt