Surprise, motherlikers! Have never felt so against thinking as I do right now. There doesn't seem much point to it, if you can't express your thoughts clearly enough. Should try and go back to reading Heat magazine or summat. Or just avoiding philosophical debates*.
On a much lighter note, watched Star Trek with a fellow physics student friend last night and had a thoroughly good time laying into the bad science, th eusual iteration of 'geeks: listen to jocks!' law of Hollywood and just how crap it is that they don't show the first Star Trek on TV anymore (they used to show TNG on Sky One occasionally). Have plans to see it again in London when I get down there. Decided to scrap Terminator Salvation as it looks so crap, it's actually crap, and will make do with dressing up for Harry Potter. Because I am cool like that,
Re-reading 'Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell' (for the third time! It's amazing - usually I only read a book once and that's it, no matter how awesome it was. Only Robin Hobb and JKR have come anywhere succeeding and the latter was so that I could rip it to shreds) and it occurs to me that Childermass and Mr Norrell are like a 19th century fantasy equivalent to Smithers and Mr. Burns.
I'm hearing "OTP!" from my inner fangirl, currently heavily restrained in the back of my head...
*EDIT: And then I read
this and I felt a bit better.