

Sep 18, 2020 19:12

After spending 18 days under the new "masks everywhere" regulations, countless hours on trains, and insufferable pain in the ears (when of course they're not snapping off like a wardrobe malfunction), I've decided to buy some decent masks.

Considering that they're not going anywhere anytime soon, figure might as well torment myself more than necessary.

I got two sets in total 14 (˜2 per day for 7 days) of at least ones that follow the AFNOR guidance, and at a price that now make them quite literally the best clothes I own.

The first set from Le Slip Français, because Google told me to and I have no will power to battle BigData today.

Masque en tissu "grand public" lavable et réutilisable - Filtration Garantie 40 lavages

The second set from Eminence, since they're recommended on a Made in France website (shop local and all that) plus the style looks alright in comparison to some of the other ones available on the market.

Masques anti-projection à usage des professionnels en contact avec le public conforme à la norme AFNOR specX76-001

This is about the most intensive shopping I've done in a long time, my style is quite literally summed up as first thing seen in Primark.  But here we are, 2020 making us do shit we never did before.

miss rona, covid-19, terrible fashion, mode, shopping, masks, trying not to die, france, spending the skrilla

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