Mar 04, 2006 13:48
Just thought I'd make a quick update before I go to my sister's for a family dinner. Well, I made it through my hell week. I did all my lab reports, even though my presentation one totally sucked, but I don't think anyone did well. I kinda did my p chem homework, I lived through my geog midterm, as if was going to be hard. And I made it through my instrumental midterm. That test was crazy, it purposely wrote it longer than we had time for. Why, I don't know. But I guess it wasn't too bad. There were questions that I just had no idea and there were others that I totally knew b/c we went over them a million times in lecture. And there was no time to think during the test, you just had to know what you were doing and write. And for some reason he wanted complete sentences which took up even more time. Oh well, we'll see what happens with that. After wards Alex, Monica, Harsha, Christine aka J^2(long story) went out to Bar Louie and got wings and pitchers of beer, I didn't really drink b/c I knew I had to drive home still. However I did get a peach cosmo and it was good. Then we went to the liquor store and then to Alex's apartment to continue drinking. J^2 left before this, I don't think she would have been down with drinking and she was underage anyways. But we had a good time as documented by the pictures on Alex's facebook. You can see the ones I'm in by looking at the part where it says more pics of Natasha or something like that. But I didn't drink that much b/c like I said I knew I needed to drive home still. It was a good time though. Yesterday I didn't go to school at all b/c geog discussion was canceled and then I would have only had to go to p chem, but it's a total waste of time, so I figured, eh I'll just skip. So Kimmay and I went shopping all over the place. We were trying to find these shoes for Kimmay, but everywhere we went to didn't have them in her size, which I find totally crazy. I mean we went to like 7 stores looking for them. I also got shoes and some black pants to replace the ones that I gave to Jamie. I also got some other stuff, I spent way too much money yesterday, oh well, I know it's not going to happen again for a long time. Well I guess that's about it.