August 19th, 1982

Mar 19, 2010 12:26

I think we've got everything (or mostly everything) ready for Bill's departure to hogwarts in a couple of weeks. We made another trip to Diagon Alley yesterday to pick up a few things that hounded us on the previous visits.. It's pretty busy there now, good Merlin. Thankfully we managed to get a table at Fortescue's to fit all of us. I figured a small treat was justifiable for their good behaviour. And the twins didn't purposely try to get lost this time, which was a huge relief.

I think Bill is excited to go to Hogwarts, if only for the fact that he'll actually be allowed to use magic. And to see some of his cousins on a daily basis. That sort of thing. He's a smart kid, so I hope he takes to the academic side of things as well, but only time will tell for that, I suppose. Socially, it won't be a problem.

And of course, he'll be a Gryffindor. Of that I am absolutely certain.

Charlie and Percy are a little jealous that he gets to go, but I keep reminding them that their time to go will be soon. Charlie's upset that he's basically losing his best friend in a couple of weeks, and I expect the first couple of weeks after Bill has left will be difficult on him (and me, not having my baby home all the time!).

Ginny turned one last week, which was a bit unbelievable. My baby girl is getting so big so quickly! We had a small do at the house, and I think she really enjoyed the attention everyone gave her, as she has the hugest grin on her face in all of the pictures that were taken. She also loved the cake, and spent a fair bit of time playing with the icing instead of eating it (and also trying to get it all over Ron, who was not amused).

I do hope everyone is faring well. I haven't been able to visit with people as much as I would have liked to lately (save for those I saw at Ginny's party), and for that I apologise. Keeping myself busy all the time is what is keeping me sane, ten months later, I would imagine.
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