Sep 24, 2006 15:17
So this weekend was by far the best weekend I've had at State so far. And I was totally sober the whole time. Soooo for those of you that don't care, here's a list of the reasons why Megan is happy right now:
~Caitlin and Kristen came
~Tom is hot
~Tom is into Talor (which normally wouldn't make Megan happy because she would want the hot boy for herself, but at least her friend gets him and not some skanky whore)
~The Notre Dame game was fun (even though we should've kicked their asses and we totally had the game won until the fucking last quarter when State decided to stop trying)
~Ashley's "Jesus Hates the Irish" shirt
~Colleen and Sarah are hilarious - "She's a Jew!" "Yes, yes I am" "But like, you don't even have curly hair!" "Well I'm part Asian." "You're ASIAN?!?!"
~Richard is a creepy hick
~Zeke the Wonder Dog = amazing and we got to take a picture with him... it was SWEET... like you don't even know
~Jimmy John's - enough said
~Lauren came back drunk and giggly
~Tom doing the steamroller - although a tad awkward because unlike the other people, I was face up... mmhmm
~Seven people sleeping in one dorm room - yeahhhh good times
~Paul came to visit from Chicago and took Mike and I to IHOP for breakfast... yessss
~Really really really really long, hot shower
~The Outdoor Club meeting is tomorrow and Talor and I might be joining, and then we might go SKYDIVING Which would be fucking awesome.
So so so yeah... thats quite a change from my last, incredibly depressing, I hate life post. So yeah, life has gotten better. I'm happy here. I mean I always was. But I guess more and more I'm getting closer to people and realizing I will have friends that I can share everything with. Maybe not yet, but soon. And I love them, they make me laugh. No, I'm still not the Megan I usually am, but I'm getting closer everyday.
"And on that note..."
I'm off to study for my organic chem exam that I'm going to fail... ohhh jesus.