Verbatim from my notes, because I amuse myself

Jun 29, 2005 10:26

Ok, so Bayezid was feeling pretty hot, he'd kicked some serious Christian ass, his empire=awesome and more biggerer.

Timulane, leader of Golden Horde --> expanding, on northern border of ottoman empire.

So he sent a letter (he just got a letter, he just got a letter)

B: Dude, you need to back the hell off. I mean, for serious.
T: SHIT, WHAT THE HELL, ARE YOU DISRESPECTING ME? You beat up some little whiny Christian pansies, so you think you're all that? YOU ARE NOTHING, I mean we're brothers in faith and all man, you're cool, that's all that's averting the thunder of my wrath but I could wipe the floor with your goddamn ass, you need get off my fucking ass man, or I'm not gonna be responsible for the asskicking you're gonna get.
B: ...

'Course this was not so bright a move on his part since the horde was about 10 times the size of his army. Dumbass. It was actually pretty cool, because the teacher person read out excerpts from their letters that they wrote. So, more laterer in my notes, Timurlane had definitely conquerred the country, and was out on a nice peasant subduing slaughter tour, and comes across this village that decided that sending out their children to sing praise songs might placate him a bit. Fairly predictably, this doesn't work at all, and he just has his army run down and trample the hundreds of children.

So my notes go on to say:

And the fuckers in my class laughed. I will kill them in their sleep, yes. Bitches. Kill them ALL.

I mean it too. Because they're either so devoid of human compassion that they actually think that's funny, or so dumb that they didn't see it coming. Either way, the world, will be a much happier fucking place without their uselessly animated carcasses.


See, this is why, as tempting as it was, I've never, ever looked into the possibility of taking notes for someone else, even for classes I do make sure I take good notes for (these are good notes). Also, then I couldn't do things like randomly take 15 minute naps. I did that today. It was nice.

I want to drink and watch O Brother Where Art Thou, because it sounds like fun. I also don't really want to go to the lake with my family this weekend. At all. I want to have the house to myself and wander around doing crazy, crazy things.

Like kill people.
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