May 17, 2005 07:42
+ I love you, Vitamen B-1. You make the bugs not bite me. MWHAHAHAH SUCK IT BUGS. ...wait, no. Don't. And you won't. 'Cause I SMELL FUNNY NOW, YES! Vaguely like coffee in some ways.
- I hate you, America. You and your annoying ass cultural double standards. I have to admit the shiny is somewhat hypnotic, but in the grander scheme of things, it makes me sad that I'm not sensitive to air currents. It just all feels cold.
-I hate you, procrastinitastic tendencies. This idea that we can't get something done unless it's at the last minute, this idea is crap. And unless you can get your ass over it, we're going to be in an interesting state by the end of the week, since there's one of these everyday. It's nothing like a big deal and you know it, but if you insist on staying up all night every night...well....
Therefore, I must buy shoes. Except that they're not comfy, so I shouldn't buy them until my ankles and arches are stronger. But they might be gone, gone gone goooooone.
Obvious and induitable.
Some guy started talking to me online and wanted to hypnotize me. I probably would have said yes anyhow, because I tend to, but it made it all the better that being hypnotized=not working. Also I didn't really think it would work.
I was especially skeptical about the whole hypnotism over IM, but it actually seemed to work to some degree, except I kept relaxing to the point of collapsing in a heap, and my eyes kept not focusing. Which makes it hard to read an IM screen, you know?
Funtimes, funtimes.
And then he can go in and impland subliminal commands, yeeessss. MWAHAH. THEN I WILL BE LIKE THE EVIL MUTANT HAMSTERS THAT WERE FORCED TO LISTEN TO CHER and be a minion and help take over the world! Mwahaha.
You people obviously don't read enough Captain Underpants.
I am Cheeseball Bananabrains, and I got an hour and a half of light sleep last night. WHEEHEWHAHA
I have nothing to say, but much in the same way that hypnotism is not working, typing random words into the funny little box is not going and sitting in class. Which I will do eventually, but I don't want to just sit in there. And sit and sit and sit.
I brought Hamlet though. Mmmmm Hamlet. Hamlet is sexy in the crazy people way. Although not really, because me favorite part of the play is still the fact that every body and his brother, plus the greeting card factory that owns his soul quote all the trite ass shit the Polonious says. And he's a pompous narrow minded old man, and that's made very, very clear. He dies and we all make the nelson laugh: "HanH-HA!" Stupid mans. And that's who we choose as the role model of the ages. Somehow knowing that I can laugh at people because they're dumb in certain wasy makes me desire to kill them all because they're just plain stupid less.
BLESS YOU ALL! (a la Lena Lamont. If you can't hear the voice, shame on you, and go watch Singing in the Rain. I mean, c'mon people.)