
Feb 26, 2008 18:40

i cut off all of my hair this weekend. i had an appt for a haircut, so the night before i had janie cut off my ponytail so 1. i couldn't chicken out the next day, 2. the stylist wouldn't have a chance to ridicule me for my split ends, and 3. i wanted to donate it, and i didn't want to have to talk to the person about doing it the right way. so now i have a ponytail of my hair sitting around waiting for me to get the proper envelope to mail it to Wisconsin.  i really like my new haircut. this is the shortest my hair has ever been, and my natural hair texture agrees with it. it's more fun to ruffle when it's this short.
i just discovered that the rhodie gardens are free on tuesdays and wednesdays, AND dogs are allowed. i finally went over to look at the sign, and it just so happens to be a tuesday, so dexter and i went in. AND we got there right before sunset. awesome. dexter was VERY excited by the plethora of ducks and new things to pee on. there aren't very many walk-to-able places in our area that we haven't covered. we walk pretty fast, and we probably end up least five or six miles a day. i know eastmoreland like the back of my hand. anyway, now we're going to go to the rhodie gardens every tuesday and wednesday, because we could really use all of the scenic variation we can get.
i started riding my bike to school, because both my feet and my schedule deserve less walking, but after only two days i'm left with a dilemma. see, there's a reason i never ride my bike: it has the hardest seat ever created. i'm not kidding. it's a shitty bike anyway ($100 at fred meyer...) but my seat bones were bruised when i got on this morning. ALREADY. all i did yesterday was ride to school and back. that's a total of 2 miles. um...last i checked, that's not very far. especially on a bike. SO. do i get a new bike seat? is it worth it? i want a new bike, but i don't know that i can really afford one right now. or it's at least not in the budget. are bike seats transferrable enough that i can get a nice seat now and then replace the seat on my someday new bike? i know i can ask my brother the biker these questions, but it's rather pressing. riding home today was VERY uncomfortable.
on a different note,
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