MMMMM.....DRABBLES (now with a dash of Slash)

Feb 05, 2008 09:55

You know what they are :)

Title: Touch
Author: snogged
Characters: Spike, Angelus
Prompt Table #2 - Words
Prompt: #17- Touch
Word Count: 103
Rating: R (whipping)

The whip danced across his spine like little fingers pinching and twisting skin. The violence in the leather's touch was enough to make him hard, ready for whatever Angelus had in mind.

"You touch her like that again and you'll be feeling more than this, Spike."

"Can't help it, mate. Your girl was begging for it and you were nowhere around. Probably rubbing against a tree, waiting for the Slayer to do you in."

Angelus growled and snapped the whip, slashing deep lines into his childe's skin.

"Wanna say that again? I didn't quite catch it."

"Bloody hell, Angelus. Just fuck me already."

Title: Peaked
Author: snogged
Characters: Spike, Angelus
Prompt Table #2 - Words
Prompt: #18 - Peaked
Word Count: 103
Rating: R

"You're looking a bit peaked, mate."

"Look who's talking." Angelus sneered. "Doesn't take much to get you over the edge. You explode all over the wall in minutes. I barely have to touch you."

Spike chuckled. "Not what I meant, luv."

"Then how 'bout you educate me?"

A glint of mischief flashed in Spike's eyes. "Well, peaked is defined as pale and drawn in appearance so as to suggest sickness. And you, mate, are as sick as they come. But, since we're on the subject of educating, how 'bout you bring that ass over here and we can play schoolboy and head master."

Title: Release
Author: snogged
Characters: Angelus, Willow
Prompt Table #2 - Words
Prompt: #19- Release
Word Count: 100
Rating: R (daddy!kink, orgasm denial)

He had put her on orgasm denial for the last few days and she felt like she about ready to explode. He still made her masturbate but the second she came close, he grabbed her wrist and chained it above her head. It was mean.

"Daddy! Please!" Willow begged, as the cuff snapped around her wrist for the fifth night in a row. "I need to so bad."

"You need what?"


He unsnapped the cuffs and looked at her. "You still don't get to cum."

He got up and left the room, leaving Willow alone with her itch.


Title: Shave
Author: snogged
Characters: Angelus, Willow
Prompt Table #2 - Words
Prompt: #20 - Shave
Word Count: 103
Rating: R/NC-17 (sexual swear, daddy!kink, shaving)

"Spread you legs for me, cunt." He had a razor in one hand and a bowl of water in the other.

Willow cringed and obeyed quickly. She knew what he was about to do and she wasn't sure she wanted to part with the protective red fuzz that framed her pussy.

The razor slipped across her sensitive pubic mound and Willow whimpered.

Angelus eyed the trickles of blood that created a delicate, criss-crossing pattern. His tongue darted passed his lips and licked the skin clean.

“Much better. Now you’re a proper little girl for daddy.” He smiled and patted her on the head.

prompt tables, angelus/willow, drabbles, angelus/spike

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