This was my project for my 3rd posting date over at
winter_of_angel. It sure took a lot longer than I thought it would, but here I am with my very first mood theme. I thought for sure I'd get it done by my posting date of 01/07/08. But I didn't.
It's Angel (naturally) - all 132 moods for you to use (and I believe you can only use customized mood themes if you have a paid account. Please correct me if I'm wrong). Anyway, I combed caps season by season, episode by episode, hoping to find the right cap of Angel that fit each individual mood. Hence I bring you no repeats...just a different pic for each mood. I hope I was successful in fitting the cap with the mood. It was hard...believe me.
- Please credit angelspike69
- Don't hotlink. Download to your upcomputer and upload to a site like Photobucket or your own server.
- If you'd like to share this with other, please link back to here. Don't upload to an archive or other graphic site.
- Do not alter.
- Caps used were by sissi_blucas and Screencap Paradise.
If you'd like to download it, I have all 132 moods zipped up
here for your downloading pleasure.