From Twitter 05-14-2011

May 15, 2011 03:01

  • 00:38:20: Wow where did this headache come from
  • 00:39:04: RT @bifnaked: I just want to be able to breathe, on busybusy days. As long as I can remember, and concentrate on my breathing, I can get ...
  • 08:23:15: I might as well become a mute
  • 09:11:44: Figures I'd bring in only one shoe to change into
  • 11:23:07: Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful
  • 14:53:08: I find myself concerned for the common man these days
  • 16:09:50: I earned the Check-in Pro sticker on @GetGlue!
  • 17:39:01: Boss and I just read a how to manual on how to have sex with animals. Don't ask. Its just a reg day at work
  • 18:06:29: Big mistake wearing a white shirt to work today. I forgot my jacket
  • 18:34:26: I loooove this movie @ GetGlue #SweetHomeAlabama
  • 18:37:04: @ peeair srsly I looove this movie so much
  • 19:27:22: Ummm anyone know where I can get a better version of @ thedavidcook covering Adele's Rollin In The Deep?!?
  • 19:28:40: @ tashapastor *deepens voice* hello my name is Ryastien. How may I be of service :D
  • 19:57:16: @ RyanNotSheckler OMGZ you know who I saw walk by? John jacob jingleheimer schmidt!
  • 20:06:32: Ethan just told me to "watch my tone" because I told him to wear a diaper to the movies next time :). I love kids
  • 20:27:23: You dont have any respect for me. You say you do but you don't.
  • 20:28:41: You never have anything nice to say. And you say you never embarrass us? Trust me. You do.
  • 21:06:56: Anyone have a spare wand so I can perform an evanesco spell on myself? #harrypotterspells
  • 21:22:47: Let's hope this works
  • 22:46:21: RT @ClaudeKelly: Pardon me, could you please pass the Grey Poupon?
  • 23:23:59: Gonna go watch Teen Wolf Two with Jason Bateman. Yea I said it

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